Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back In The US

Well, now that I've been home for three weeks I am fully acclimated to the time change and having responsibilities around the house again. (not that I love that, I was stung by a bee while cutting grass the other day) I ended my last post in China with a brief list of things that I missed having here in the states. I have crossed just about everything off that list now. Though it's only been three weeks I can already make a list of things I miss in China:
1. Working and hanging out with Scott, Alan and Dwayne. It's hard to get used to having to cook, it was nice to meet up at singa plaza for a quick, cheap meal.
2. Going on the "whirlwind" excursions with Scott and his family. Some mornings it was hard for me to make it but, I am glad I did. If not for those I would have only known bar street in Suzhou.
3. Bar street. Ha.
4. Noticing how nice a day was when you could actually see across Jinji Lake. Here it's easy to take a beautiful day for granted but, when you don't see blue sky everyday it makes it special when you do. (weird huh?)
5. Yangyang. yumyum.
6. Riding in taxis, even the crazy drivers. I missed driving while I was in China but, driving is overrated. Especially with gas costing $2.80 a gallon.
7. Negotiable shopping. I've tried that in the US and they always let me walk off. Plus they don't think it's funny when I laugh at their price and say "mayo".
8. Not that I really miss it but, I was used to people always looking at me the laowai. Now I'm just another American in America.
 In time I'm sure the list will grow but most of all I miss the people. The experience could not have been the same without friends like Scott and Alan to show me the way. I was lucky that the timing of my trip allowed me to meet Dwayne, Erick and Trish. More cool people to hang out with.
 Wow. I can't believe I was in China for three months.